As you know, I started to swim because my knees were bothering me while using the elliptical machine. Well, it's been about a month since then and I have become obsessed with swimming! It's gotten to the point that I'm watching videos of other people swimming on youtube to see how the pros do it. I decided that I needed to make sure that I was swimming properly, and that I remembered the strokes correctly. It has been many, many years since I've had a swim class, so I signed up for Beginner Adult Swim Lessons at the Y and had my first lesson last night. What a difference between swimming on my own, at my own pace, and swimming while somebody is critiquing me and telling me to speed it up! I think I swam 15 laps at the most, some a full stroke, some with a kick-board and some with a thing that I can't remember the name of, between my legs to keep me from kicking. I was whipped by the time I finished! I have some work to do! Also, I need to get a nose plug, I inhaled a lot of water last night.